It's hump day!
That means there are only 2 more days until daddy gets to be home with us all day for 2 whole days. We live for the weekends! I remember when I was younger, I really thought I lived for the weekends, but it wasn't until I became a sahm + wife that I realized I LITERALLY live for the weekends. We got a little taste today when Adam left work at 10am to go with me to Majors 6 month check-up. Yes, he is 6 months, yes that is the craziest thing I have typed all year. SIX WHOLE MONTHS. Well, technically he is now 6 1/2 months, but we will leave it at 6. Along with the check-up comes SHOTS. Dun dun dunnnnnnnnnn. Aka the worst things ever in the history of ever. We are all bout vaccinating though, so I suppose I really can't complain too much. I hate shot day though. Especially when it's for the babes. They have no idea what's to come (Maddux is getting the gist of it now, which makes it a trillion zillion times harder on momma) But Major? Nope. Not a clue. MOMMA KNOWS.
Me. All day on shot day. I'm telling you; WORST DAY EVER.
Major Bronson got a great report I must add; 20.12 lbs* 27 1/4 inches long* Head circ 46cm. & as healthy as they come! He shows off for Miranda (his ped) and all of the nurses by showing them his scrunched nose gummy grin. (flirt) He is the happiest baby and I am a proud proud mom! I could continue all day plus 364 more bragging on my little munchkins.
Since I hadn't entered the blogosphere when that sweet baby mentioned above turned 6 months, I'll share a couple cute pics to brighten your day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
At 6 months this guy loves to: roll / eat / smile / laugh / bath / sit up / play with big brother / talk to sissy / wrestle with daddy / go uppy in his carriers / be with momma / go outside & bye bye / chew on everything / watch Pluto (our Labradoodle) and try to grab him. He got his FIRST TOOTH on Halloween. He makes us the happiest ever and lights up the gloomiest of days!
After all of the non-fun-stuff was over we went Christmas shopping for the kiddies! Yay! Who doesn't love to Christmas shop? ESPECIALLY for your babies. I always get their stuff early & contemplate giving it to them every single day from now, until Christmas. I am the worst at hoarding a gift until time to give. Ugh. We got most of their stuff, with the exception of 4 or 5 more things. The highlight of our shopping extravaganza:
Yes and yes. Who doesn't love a handsome baby wearing manly man? You don't see this often (in our area) and he got some stares and even a compliment. A kind lady told him how great that was and "back in her day" you would never see that. It brightened her day. Seriously? Melting. Our kids are so stinkin lucky to have this guy to call daddy. Are you getting sick of my sappy posts yet? May want to get used to it, or stop reading while you're ahead ;) I just love him.
ps. We love love love our Tula; get yours here:
Our oldest stayed with Adams parents while we were out today. A 2 year old at a doctors office, when the appointment isn't even for him, I will just leave it at that. (Nightmare) Plus, we were shopping with Santa to get his gifts for being such a good boy this year...soooo.
I got these pictures while we were gone:
He had way more fun staying home than shopping and going to a boring appointment. He got to go on 2 walks and play in his rock box. The child would live outside and let the wolves raise him if he could. We are extremely lucky our babies have 2 sets of grandparents nearby that watch them when needed on days like today.
Obviously, we couldn't go shopping without getting this stud'd think it was Christmas when he saw it. His obsession with HATS is REAL, guys. Any and all hats. Give them to him and he's happy. He would still be wearing it around the house, if we didn't take it off and hide it *mean mom and dad hahaha*
This sweet boy got a little somethin' too. Plush Mickey ftw!
At the end of this l o n g Wednesday, I was happy to get home to my biggest baby and get in some comfy sweats. Now for a little photo dump of our week thus far (not much has gone on, we've been lazy) Enjoy. xo
MADDUX BLAKE PHOTOGRAPHY. Does he have a future in it, you think? Bahaha! This kid.
Our first ever back carry in the Tula had to be documented! Success. M loved it.
As you may have noticed, this is pt. 1, next up are a couple simple recipes I've been asked to share! Stay tuned :)
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