Monday, not-fun-day already? Ugh.
Let me tell you a little how our Monday is going, thus far. We froze all night long & didn't even think to get up to check our thermostat, only to wake up this morning at 6:50 to see that it was 60 DEGREES in our house. Yes. 60 degrees. I cannot do cold! Or hot for that matter, but especially not cold. Brrrrrrrrrrr
I just wanted to stay cuddled in bed with Adam and Maddux, but mom duty called & we had to get our girl up and ready for school. So I threw on my coziest robe and fuzziest socks and into her room I went to begin the morning wake-up. She really isn't too bad to get up (yet) so that's never bad. I got her changed and fixed her some oatmeal. While she ate I fixed her hair and afterwards we brushed teeth and had a second to sit down before leaving at 7:30.
She didn't even care that the house was a million degrees colder than I wanted. How is it that kids really could care less about the temperature. You couldn't have PAID me to change my clothes this morning, because that required taking them all off and exposing my semi-warm body to the negative temp. I am serious when I say I DO NOT DO COLD. NO. NO. NO.
[sn: this girl is her dad made over. Seriously. Adam Perry jr.]
She did care that it was cold outside. 19 degrees cold. This is ridiculous! I will never complain about the summer heat ever again. I say that every year. How gorgeous is our Marley though? Even in all of her cold smile glory. I just love her.
After I got home from the school trek, Adam had the boys all bundled and playing & had already called the company to come check out the heat unit. Noon could not have came any s l o w e r. It felt like an eternity & I was almost ready to leave and take the boys anywhere but this freezing house. Even if we just sat in the car. The final temperature was 56 when they showed up around 11:30 and low and behold our heat was FIXED!
Thank goodness.
I took off the layers of clothes on the boys and could finally sit down and drink my iced white choc mocha I grabbed at Starbucks this morning. Ironic isn't it. Why did I get iced when I was so cold you may ask? I am no fan of hot coffee. I will drink it on occasion, but only at home, I'll never get it hot at 'bucks.
Adam came home while they were fixing the heat, so we all ate lunch together and decided right then that we would never take advantage of heat ever again. Haha! Maddux has been doing this and that since, and Major went down for his mid-day nap around 12:30 so momma gets a free minute to start this post. It is guaranteed I will not finish in one sitting, but at least it's a start. The rest of the day shouldn't be too bad. Maddux will be napping soon and we will have leftover sausage tortellini for dinner while watching Jurassic World this evening. It's funny that I'm saying we are going to watch it this evening because we have been saying that since we got the DVD. A month ago. We say we are going to watch it every single day. Every day. It won't happen.
Our weekends begin on Thursday (when we get Marley), so that is where I'll be starting the photo dump & a little about what we did on each day. Once again, we didn't do anything too crazy, but staying in and relaxing on weekends is one of our most favorite things to do on the planet. We enjoy the time we get to spend together and with the kids; playing in the floor, watching a movie, or making a craft. This weekend we did just some.
Thursday was absolutely gorgeous, so waiting in the pick-up line to get Marley wasn't half bad. I have tried to figure out what time I need to get there in order to be first in line since day 1. I thought for sure Thursday would be the day. Nope. I got there 40 minutes before release & I was still 4th in line! Not too shabby, but one day, I will be first. I made sure to grab Maddux and I some lunch to eat while waiting on sis because I just knew that there was no nap in sight that evening. USUALLY I leave home at 1:50 and both boys nap the whole way to school and through the pick-up line wait, waking when Marley gets in the car at 2:40. Major did just that, but that entire day Maddux was so full of energy and as stubborn as they come, so instead of begging him to nap I took food and Finding Nemo to keep him occupied. He's easily pleased! Ha! To have had no nap, he was in a great mood and we had so much fun in the car dancing, singing, being silly & taking pictures.
If this isn't the life, I don't know what is.
We got home from school at 3:15 which gives us just enough time to change for gymnastics at 4. I just took Maddux with me this time (Adam usually keeps both boys) & we went to Sams while M was tumbling. As soon as I picked her up at 5 we went to pick up my glasses that I have been waiting on for 2+ weeks. YAY!
Who doesn't love new Ray Bans? LOVE.
(ps. To see more of us - add me on snapchat: shamberperry)
After we got home from gymnastics & getting my glasses we had dinner, played, bathed, brushed teeth & off to bed we went! 6:50a comes early.
I take picture(s) every morning before we take Marley to school to look back on throughout the years. I never miss a morning, so Friday was no exception. Here's our bi-weekly pre-leaving for school picture in the bathroom! I love seeing how big she has grown throughout a school year and plan to make a little somethin' with each one I've taken at the end of her kindergarten year. She's growing so fast, we don't even want to blink. As I said above, she is so easy to get out of bed and ready for school. Literally does not mind it at all! I'm taking in every second of her perky morning smiles and laughs because I know too soon it will be: "School? Ugh. Can I just stay home." It happens to the best of us.
I love fixing this girls hair when we have her. Playing around with it and finding new styles that work for her, while keeping it out of her face. FAV. Sure, it ends up half up/half down, strings of hair popping out in every direction by the end of the day. But that is why I document as soon as I fix it ;) Finding cute ways to style her hair became a lot more challenging when she decided she was too big for bows - which was quite a few months ago - I let her tell me what she wants to wear and how she would like her hair, and as soon as she asked me to please not put a bow in, I listened. It's another little reminder that she's growing up and I can live with that because in the process she's learning that she has a voice and what she wants matters.
We didn't do anything after Marley went to school Friday morning & we were back to our usual routine for pick-up...(napsssss)
That evening after we finished dinner, Marley & I headed out to Hobby Lobby {one of OUR FAVORITE PLACES ever} to get decorations for her Christmas tree! She was so excited to do a big tree in her room this year and pick out everything that went on it.
She said this was her excited smile. Bahaha - this girl.
Also, the cat pants. I am almost ready to invest in 18 more of the same ones because they are her go-to and what she picks out to wear everytime. Sometimes alone, sometimes with a skirt over them. You never know how she will pair them with a shirt! Good idea?
After we left Hob-lob it was time to get her treat for doing so well in school the last 2 weeks - we do this every weekend we get her, as long as she gets good reports in school and no trouble. So what does she choose? SHOPKINS. Every other weekend. Shopkins. Her collection is sure growing. Is your child as obsessed as ours? We don't even know how to play with them. What can you do? Nothing, but she loves and I mean LOVES them.
She ended up getting "NETTY SPAGHETTI" & was so stoked because that was "daddy's favorite" (yes, she makes us all pick a fav-including Maddux&Major) I asked her 3 times on the way home what it's name was & she told me. NETTY PSKETTY! I l o v e it. PSKETTY. Do you remember how you said spaghetti as a child? That's exactly how I used to say/spell it. Hahahaha! This girl.
When we got home that night she had just enough time to fight with Maddux over touching her Shopkins, get a bath and play with them.
What is sleeping in on weekends? Someone please tell me, because we get up at 8am no matter what day it is. These kids don't know they're allowed to sleep until noon if they wanted. Who am I kidding...even when they do sleep in (by sleep in I mean until 9 LATEST) Adam & I are still up at sunrise.
Marley couldn't wait to start decorating her tree, so we had breakfast and patiently waited for daddy to get it out of the garage.
Once the tree was in, she got started.
This is the only picture I got of Maddux all day Saturday, if you notice him being absent. Some days he just isn't in the photo mood & you get what you get. Like this blur for instance.
I put off grocery shopping until Saturday. Dumbest idea ever. The stores were packed with everyone getting last minute food for Thanksgiving & getting down 1 aisle took 10 minutes. BUT we managed & made it back with lots of food in hand.
The rest of the day was full of laziness, ahhh.
The Christmas tree decorating continued all day long for M. Mainly because she is a little perfectionist JUST LIKE HER DAD, but some of the reason was because she has a bratty little snotty nosed brother who goes behind her and takes off everything she puts on. I'm allowed to call him that, because he's mine ;) & it's partly true hahahaha
I may or may not have bribed him for this picture. Marley is photo ready every day / all day. That's my girl.
CHEESY HOT ITALIAN SAUSAGE TORTELLINI was what we had for dinner Sunday evening and it is sooooooooooo good. If you're interested in the recipe, let me know & I'll share! So easy and one of our weekly go to meals. Yum.
M wanted HOT CHOCOLATE for dessert & it was delish. S/O to dad for grabbing a box + marshmallows earlier that day on his little store run & surprising us (I forgot to get it when I went. Oops!)
Sadly, Sunday came to a close way too soon and we were left wondering where the weekend went. Blah.
Who doesn't love a chubby bubby in a footed sleeper? I know I do. I want to pinch his cheeks.
Who also doesn't love a freshly bathed baby slathered in lavender lotion? We all do.
Bros bro-ing in their matching Christmas jammies. Yes. That happened & will continue until they make me stop. My heart may burst.
You're welcome for the cuteness overload.
Hope you enjoyed reading! XO
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