I wasn't going to do two posts in one day BUT . . . it isn't just any day, it is my sweet tiniest baby mister Major Bronson's 7 MONTH (birth?)DAY! Since I'm new to blogging this is the first month I have been able to post about our monthly sticker pictures and a little about his likes/development.
Drum roll please . . . . . . .
Introducing the star of my show :):):)
He is just as shocked as we are! "I'm WHAT?!" -Major
SEVEN WHOLE MONTHS have came and gone since this little chubby bunny was placed in my arms for the very first time. I remember it like it was yesterday, but I will save his birth story for another time.
He is hitting milestones like crazy & I can't even keep up! He's doing something new every single day. Goodness, I love this boy so much I could cry thinking about it.
Let's start with the fact that he is now CRAWLING. Yes. 2 mobile boys in the Perry home. Do you feel sorry for me yet? You will in the months to come, I am sure because I already need a nerve pill. (that's a joke, don't call CPS)
The crawling process is just beginning and it is pretty hilarious watching him get the hang of this new task...
Baby planks & hold for 1...2...3...4...
With crawling, must come bigger appetite because this (not so tiny) baby now holds his own bottle AND takes 8 oz. per feeding! For as long as I can remember he has drank 6 oz. and sometimes not even finished that, and then all of a sudden *boom* Give me more ma! He sucks the bottle dry. Big boy I tell ya. He is always stealing Maddux's cups now too with this new crawling thing. M will leave sippy's scattered througouht the house until I follow his trail collecting them & Major wastes no time snatching them up before I can get to them. All of them with only a sip or two left of water. He loooooveeeessss it. I think Santa is bringing his own special sippy or 2 or 3 for Christmas ;)
Hot mess express ^ missing sock and all.
This guy loves to laugh, smile, bath, play, eat - the norm for any 7 month old.
He is the happiest baby on earth and we couldn't have hand picked a more perfect little human.
He loves his brother, but there is nothing like big sister. They have this connection that we have picked up on since day one and it is the most precious thing. We are almost certain he will have the same personality and demeanor as Marley and they will share a closer relationship than she and Maddux. It's hard for anyone to have a close relationship with that spawn of mine. Haha! Love him anyway.
This guy loves. his. sleep. I mean LOVES it. I don't know what I did to deserve that, but I will be forever grateful. He has been on the same nap/bedtime schedule since he was around 2 months and he has slept through the night, in his crib, since 2.5 months. Something big brother never did, and still doesn't do. Kudos to you Major.
He is as close to perfection a tiny person can get.
Happy 7 whole months my sweet boy <3
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